When a delivery truck driver hits a dog in Newton, the dog owners chase after him.
– Dog owners are, by nature, protective of their pet dogs.
– An incident happened where dog owners went after and chased a delivery truck driver.
– It was said that the delivery truck driver hit and run over a dog.
🔥➡️ Puppies 🐶 playing with big Dogs ( Video )
It was all an accident, claimed by the delivery truck driver, who ran over a dog… but the dog owners won’t take this excuse… so a tandem of mother and son decided to run after the delivery truck driver and they were able to catch up with him at a gas station.
There, the young man pulled out a firearm to threaten the unknowing delivery truck driver. According to police, an official statement from the delivery truck driver claims that he was NOT physically hit and that there was really no contact made.
🔥➡️ FUNNY DOGS, prepare yourself to CRY WITH LAUGHTER!
Assault charges were still filed against the mother and son.
Do you agree with the law on this matter?
Read the full details in this article – https://www.usnews.com.