When a dog dies, it’s never an easy phase – for the owner and for the people around them.
– There are so many things that you need to consider when talking about the loss of a dog.
– Dogs are not just pets, to most owners they are family.
– How do you usually deal with a dog loss? What are the right things to say when someone losses a dog?
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They say every dog is special… do you agree?
Of course, you do! Because every dog brings us so much joy with its very presence. They are there for us, ever-loyal, and always ready to listen. They are even closer to use than some of our relatives.
So when we lose a dog, it’s really a different level of pain – some people may not understand it but dogs occupy a far bigger corner in our heart than anything in the world.
That’s why, when someone you know loses their dog, please be careful with your words and don’t just say that “it was just a dog”. NEVER say that it could do more harm than good.
To know more about getting through losing a dog, read more here – https://theconversation.com.