Bring Dogs To Work To Lure Tech Talent?

A famous car manufacturing firm is allowing their employees to bring their pets to work.

– Pet animals are known to be great de-stressors.
– Dogs are the most popular pets in the world.
– A huge company is opening their doors to pets staying within their premises during work hours.

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➡️🐶 3 Famous and Lovable 💖 Dogs From Movies and TV

After 70 years in the industry, Ford Motors Co. has decided to open its doors wide open to the cute and furry friends in the industry – specifically, pet dogs. This has become a new practice in many companies over the years. Even Silicon Valley is known to have been doing this for years no and it shows an increase in the satisfaction of employees too, resulting in more stable employee retention.

Do you agree that dogs make any workplace better?

Well, of course, it does!

This is exactly why Ford Motors Co has decided to create an entirely new role for their company called “Chief Furry Officer”, which is primarily in charge of making sure that the employees on duty are happy.

Having a cute and cuddly workmate is indeed guaranteed to make any employee stay.

➡️🐶 Can dog eat corn?

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