A Doggie At The Checkin?

Dog treats are commonly given when a good boy does what its master tells him to do.

– One of the characteristics that make dogs special is their ability to follow instructions.
– Generally speaking, dogs are very obedient animals and they are easy to train.
– When dogs are able to follow through instructions, they are usually given a treat.

🔥➡️ FUNNY DOGS, prepare yourself to CRY WITH LAUGHTER!

Like most dog owners, you’ve probably given your dog a treat or two, and the reason for this is because he obeyed the command that you told him. Common commands include “sit”, “stay”, “rollover”, “jump”, “eat”, “fetch”, and many more!

All dogs are instinctively obedient, whether or not they are given a treat as a reward… BUT a treat can definitely guarantee a more favorable result in terms of obedience and consistency. It’s called conditioning – where dogs will do any command that’s been prompted. They do it, especially when they know those good things will happen right after.

A hotel, on the other hand, wanted to give some grand freebies as a dog treat, instead of the common cookies.

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Find out more how they made good dogs feel special in this establishment, read the full article here – https://www.nytimes.com.